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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  60KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: Exploratory Distribution Plots Options on the check-mark pop dn- menu displays exponential and Wei failure plots to graphically check the appropriateness of using these distributions for further regression modeling Exponential Plot plots -log(Surv) by time for each group where Surv is the product-limit estimate of the survival distribution. Lines that are approximately linear empirically indicate the appropriatene: of using an exponential model for further analysis. Weibull Plot plots log( log(Surv) by logarithmic time for each group where Surv IS the product-limit estimate of the survival distribution. A Weibull plot that has approximately parallel and straight lines indicate: Weibull model is appropriate to use for further analysis. oroduct appropriatenes exponentia